Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
373General KnowledgeWhat was the predecessor to the United Nations?PadawanAmy
374General KnowledgeA flamboyance is a group of what animals?PadawanAmy
375General KnowledgeWhat color is a polar bear’s skin?PadawanAmy
376General KnowledgeWhat is the largest lizard?PadawanAmy
377General KnowledgeThe male of what species testicles explode on mating and then dies?PadawanAmy
378General KnowledgeEurope is separated from Africa by which sea?PadawanAmy
379General KnowledgeCanberra is the capital city of which country?PadawanAmy
380General KnowledgeWhich nuts are used to make marzipan?PadawanAmy
381General KnowledgeBotany is the scientific study of what?PadawanAmy
382General KnowledgeTanks were used in battle for the first time in which conflict?PadawanAmy
383General KnowledgeSquab is a name given to the young of which bird?PadawanAmy
384General KnowledgeWhich female singer discovered a ‘Genie in a Bottle’ in 1999?PadawanAmy
385General KnowledgeComplete the title of a 1979 number one by Blondie – ‘Heart of...’PadawanAmy
386General KnowledgeWhich Italian fascist leader was known as ‘Il Duce’?PadawanAmy
387General KnowledgeIf a male donkey is a jack, what is the female called?PadawanAmy