Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
723Doctor WhoWhich companion of the doctor did Martha Jones marry?PadawanAmy
724Doctor WhoWhat is The Doctors name when he is in human form?PadawanAmy
725Doctor WhoWho created the original theme music for the show?PadawanAmy
726Doctor WhoHow did The Doctor acquire his TARDIS?PadawanAmy
727Doctor WhoWhat animal head do the Judoon have?PadawanAmy
728Doctor WhoWhat planet does The Doctor come from?PadawanAmy
729Doctor WhoAt what age must Time Lords look into the time vortex as initiation to the academy?PadawanAmy
730Doctor WhoWhat is the name of The Doctors trusty gadget?PadawanAmy
731Doctor WhoTime Lords have 2 of what organ?PadawanAmy
732Doctor WhoHow many floords did Satellite 5 have?PadawanAmy
733Doctor WhoThe Sisters of Plenitude resemble which animal?PadawanAmy
734Doctor WhoWhat is the name of the Time Lords greatest enemies?PadawanAmy
735Doctor WhoWhat is the name of the creator of the Daleks?PadawanAmy
736Doctor WhoWhat is the name of the iconic robotic dog from the show?PadawanAmy
737Doctor WhoWhat word is often said by Daleks before they kill?PadawanAmy