Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
813Marvel Cinematic UniverseSharon Carter is whose great-niece?PadawanAmy
814Marvel Cinematic UniverseWhat type of doctor is Doctor Strange?PadawanAmy
815Marvel Cinematic UniverseWhat is Carol Dnaver's nickname for Monica Rambeau?PadawanAmy
816Marvel Cinematic UniverseWhat is Captain Americas shield made of?PadawanAmy
817Marvel Cinematic UniverseWhich other character was able to pick up Thors hammer in Endgame?PadawanAmy
818Marvel Cinematic UniverseWho was responsible for King T'Chaka's death?PadawanAmy
819Marvel Cinematic UniverseIn which movie did Spider-Man make his first appearance?PadawanAmy
820Marvel Cinematic UniverseWanda and Pietro Maximoff are from which country?PadawanAmy
821Marvel Cinematic UniverseOn which planet was the Soul Stone located?PadawanAmy
822Marvel Cinematic UniverseWhich was the first Marvel Cinematic Universe movie to be released?PadawanAmy
823Marvel Cinematic UniverseBlack Panther is set in which fictional country?PadawanAmy
824Marvel Cinematic UniverseWho rescued Tony Stark and Nebula from space?PadawanAmy
825Marvel Cinematic UniversePepper Potts is allergic to what?PadawanAmy
826Marvel Cinematic UniverseHawkeye has how many children?PadawanAmy
827Marvel Cinematic UniverseWhat is Tony Stark's daughter's name?PadawanAmy