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Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
828Marvel Cinematic UniverseWhich eye does Nick Fury cover with an eye patch?PadawanAmy
829Marvel Cinematic UniversePym Particles were created by whom?PadawanAmy
830Marvel Cinematic UniverseWhat video game was Thor playing in Avengers Endgame?PadawanAmy
831Marvel Cinematic UniverseWhats the name of the amulet containing the Time Stone?PadawanAmy
832Marvel Cinematic UniverseHow long was Scott Lang trapped in the Quantum Realm for?PadawanAmy
833Marvel Cinematic UniverseWho is the firstborn child of Odin?PadawanAmy
834Marvel Cinematic UniverseWho did Captain America give his shield to in Endgame?PadawanAmy
835Marvel Cinematic UniverseWhat year was the first Iron Man movie released?PadawanAmy
836Marvel Cinematic UniverseWhat is the name of Thors hammer?PadawanAmy
837Marvel Cinematic UniverseWho is Peter Parker's best friend?PadawanAmy
838Marvel Cinematic UniverseThe Flerkens are a race of dangerous aliens that resemble what?PadawanAmy
839Marvel Cinematic UniverseWhat was the name of Tony Stark's original AI butler?PadawanAmy
840Marvel Cinematic UniverseWho replaced J.A.R.V.I.S?PadawanAmy
841Marvel Cinematic UniverseWhat is the name of Thanos' alien race of fighters?PadawanAmy
842Marvel Cinematic UniverseWhat does Thor want another of when hes in the diner?PadawanAmy