Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
1054PixarWhere was the first race held in Cars 2?PadawanAmy
1055PixarWhat is the name of the rat from Rattatouille?PadawanAmy
1056PixarWhat does Linguini call Remy in Rattatouille?PadawanAmy
1057PixarWhat is the name of the chef whose cooking show Remy watches in Rattatouille?PadawanAmy
1058PixarChef Auguste Gusteau wrote Remy's favorite cookbook which went by what title?PadawanAmy
1059PixarWhat city does Ratatouille take place in?PadawanAmy
1060PixarWhat job is Remy given in the rat colony in Ratatouille?PadawanAmy
1061PixarAt Gusteau's restaurant, what job was Alfredo Linguine given in the kitchen when he first arrived?PadawanAmy
1062PixarIn Ratatouille what is the name of Remys father?PadawanAmy
1063PixarIn Ratatouille what is the first thing that Remy prepares in the kitchen at Gusteau's?PadawanAmy
1064PixarOn what planet did WALL-E work?PadawanAmy
1065PixarWhat does WALL-E stand for?PadawanAmy
1066PixarWhat insect is WALL-E's companion on earth?PadawanAmy
1067PixarWhat corporation owned everything in WALL-E?PadawanAmy
1068PixarWhat is the name of the musical WALL-E watches repeatedly?PadawanAmy