Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
1099PokemonWhat type of Pokéball is this? A Cozy ball that makes Pokémon more friendly.PadawanAmy
1100PokemonA glitch in generation 1 allowed Pikachu or Eevee (Jolteon) to evolve after leveling up without an
evolutionary stone, if what Pokémon finished the battle?
1101PokemonWhich generation introduced Abilities?PadawanAmy
1102PokemonBesides Ditto what other Pokémon is capable of breeding, but cannot be obtained through breeding?PadawanAmy
1103PokemonBesides Fairy, what type can Hidden Power not become?PadawanAmy
1104PokemonBesides Super Luck what ability increases your critical hit ratio?PadawanAmy
1105PokemonName one Pokémon from the Tao TrioPadawanAmy
1106PokemonName one of Meloetta's formsPadawanAmy
1107PokemonCities in the Kanto region take their name from what?PadawanAmy
1108PokemonConfusion damage is based off of what stat?PadawanAmy
1109PokemonDarmanitan gains what type in zen mode?PadawanAmy
1110PokemonDread, Earth, Pixie, Insect and Mind are all examples of what?PadawanAmy
1111PokemonEpisode 38 of the Pokémon anime was broadcasted once, then banned for causing what?PadawanAmy
1112PokemonGeneration IV introduced Defog and what other HM?PadawanAmy
1113PokemonGuardian of Alola requires what item to use?PadawanAmy