Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
2577Harry PotterWhat did Neville's grandmother send him to help him remember things that he forgets to do? Enemagneto
2578Harry PotterWhat was the first broomstick that Harry Potter received in his first year when he became the youngest
seeker of the century?
2579Harry PotterWho challenged Harry to a midnight duel in the Trophy room in an attempt to have him caught breaking
2580Harry PotterWhat was the name of the three-headed dog that Hagrid put as first measure of security for Philosopher's
stone, in the forbidden corridor on the third floor?
2581Harry PotterWho let in a troll in the dungeons at Halloween to try and distract everyone away from the forbidden
corridor on the third floor?
2582Harry PotterWho finally knocked out the troll using the levitation spell in the girls' bathroom? Enemagneto
2583Harry PotterFirst match of the Quidditch was played between which two houses in Harry's first year? Enemagneto
2584Harry PotterWho was the captain of Gryffindor Quidditch team until Harry's third year? Enemagneto
2585Harry PotterWho tried to knock Harry off his broom in his first Quidditch match? Enemagneto
2587Harry PotterWho was bitten by Fluffy the three headed dog on the Halloween when they tried to get past him? Enemagneto
2588Harry PotterWho did Hermione think was jinxing Harry's broomstick in his first Quidditch match against Slytherin ? Enemagneto
2589Harry PotterWhat did Hagrid gift Harry for his first Christmas at Hogwarts which later came in handy in getting past
2590Harry PotterWhat did Dumbledore sent Harry on his first Christmas - something that was rightfully Harry's? Enemagneto
2591Harry PotterWhile roaming around wearing his Invisibility cloak, Harry came across a Mirror which shows a person
their deepest, darkest desires. What is the mirror called?
2592Harry PotterWhat did Harry see in the mirror of Erised first time? Enemagneto