Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
2608Harry PotterWho did Harry see having a heated talk in the Forbidden forest as he followed a black-hooded figure right
after his second Quidditch match in his first year? [Alphabetical order]
2609Harry PotterWhat breed of dragon egg did Hagrid win in a game of cards with a hooded stranger in Hog's head inn ? Enemagneto
2610Harry PotterWhat book did Hagrid check out from library to learn about dragons and how to rear them? Enemagneto
2611Harry PotterWhat did Hagrid name the Norwegian Ridgeback? Enemagneto
2612Harry PotterWho was looking through gaps in curtain on Hagrid's window when the dragon egg hatched and saw the
dragon, much to Hagrid's horror?
2613Harry PotterWho is the nurse at Hogwarts? Enemagneto
2614Harry PotterWho did they decide to send Norbert to, before Malfoy could tell on them to someone else? Enemagneto
2615Harry PotterHow many points did Harry, Hermione, and Neville lose for Gryffindor as a consequence of having been
caught outside of bed at night while delivering Norbert to Charlie's friends?
2616Harry PotterBlood of which magical animal will keep you alive even if you are an inch away from death, even though
killer is cursed to have a half-life upon drinking the blood?
2617Harry PotterWho was killing Unicorns in the forest and drinking their blood? Enemagneto
2618Harry PotterWho saved Harry from the Quirrell in the forbidden forest? Enemagneto
2619Harry PotterWhat's the secret to getting past Fluffy? Enemagneto
2620General KnowledgeMalaga is a city in which country?PadawanAmy
2621General KnowledgeThe Piccadilly Line is part of which city's metro system?PadawanAmy
2622General KnowledgeJasper National Park is in which country?PadawanAmy