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Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
2638Marvel Cinematic UniverseIn 'Avengers: Endgame', What did Red Skull call Black Widow? Enemagneto
2639Marvel Cinematic UniverseIn what year was the 'Battle of New York' fought between Avengers and Loki's Chitauri army? Enemagneto
2640Marvel Cinematic UniverseIn which MCU film is the existence of a Multiverse first mentioned? Enemagneto
2641Marvel Cinematic UniverseWhat colour is the Power Stone? Enemagneto
2642Marvel Cinematic UniverseWhat colour is the Time Stone? Enemagneto
2643Marvel Cinematic UniverseWhat colour is the Reality Stone? Enemagneto
2644Marvel Cinematic UniverseWhat colour is the Mind Stone? Enemagneto
2645Marvel Cinematic UniverseWhat colour is the Space stone? Enemagneto
2646Marvel Cinematic UniverseWhat colour is the Soul Stone? Enemagneto
2647Marvel Cinematic UniverseWho does Tony Stark mistake Stan Lee for, in Iron Man? Enemagneto
2648Marvel Cinematic UniverseComplete the quote: "The city is flying and we're fighting an army of robots. And I have a __________.
Nothing makes sense."
2649Marvel Cinematic UniverseWho is Star-Lord's father? Enemagneto
2650Marvel Cinematic UniverseWho is the Krees' Leader in 'Captain Marvel' ? Enemagneto
2651Marvel Cinematic UniverseWhich SHIELD agent collects vintage trading cards of Captain America? Enemagneto
2652Marvel Cinematic UniverseWhat is the first name of Hawkeye's daughter? Enemagneto