Browse Questions

Total Questions: 3440

ID Category Question Author
2653Marvel Cinematic UniverseComplete the movie title: "Thor: The ______ World" Enemagneto
2654Marvel Cinematic UniverseWhich superhero is often associated with the saying "With great power comes great responsibility." ? Enemagneto
2655Marvel Cinematic UniverseWhich ice-cream company did Scott Lang briefly work for? Enemagneto
2656Marvel Cinematic UniverseWho does Wanda Maximoff share a romantic relationship with? Enemagneto
2657Marvel Cinematic UniverseWhich Kree commander leads the Star-Force in 'Captain Marvel' ? Enemagneto
2658Marvel Cinematic UniverseWhat is Natasha Romanoff's sister's name whom she made up with, shortly before Infinity war? Enemagneto
2659Marvel Cinematic UniverseWhat is Yelena's favourite song since her childhood? Enemagneto
2660Marvel Cinematic UniverseWho plays Nebula in the MCU? Enemagneto
2661Marvel Cinematic UniverseWho plays Ant-Man in the MCU? Enemagneto
2662Marvel Cinematic UniverseWhat is the name of terrorist organisation that Obadiah Stane was working with to get rid of Tony Stark? Enemagneto
2663Marvel Cinematic UniverseWho did Asgardians give the Reality Stone for safe-keeping at the end of 'Thor: The Dark World'? Enemagneto
2664Marvel Cinematic UniverseWhich Spider-Man villain does Spider-man fight at the end of 'Spider-Man: Homecoming' ? Enemagneto
2665Marvel Cinematic UniverseHow many PhDs does Bruce Banner have? Enemagneto
2666Marvel Cinematic UniverseWhat brand of motorcycle does Captain America rides in 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' ? Enemagneto
2667Marvel Cinematic UniverseWhich Infinity Stone was housed in Loki's sceptre ? Enemagneto